When a blood trafficking network is dismantled, Harbey and Pedro, two of the vampires from a market place in Bogotá, must look for alternatives to satisfy their addiction, threatening the stability of this place.
Direction: Jeferson Cardoza Herrera
Production: Melisa Zapata Montoya
Screenplay: Jeferson Cardoza Herrera and Melisa Zapata Montoya
Director of Photography: Santiago M. Cortés
Art Direction: Ricardo Téllez
Art Production: Carolina Osorio
Editing: Rafael Pérez Mantilla
First Assistant Director: Valeria Martí
Second Direction Assistance : Andrés Cantor
Direct Sound: Santiago Rodríguez
Production Management: Carolina Zarate García
Production Coordination: Miguel Morales
Production Assistance: César Santana
Script: Camila Bastidas
Props: Diana Figueroa
Behind the Scenes: Sebastián Hernández
Cast: Pedro Gacharna, Harbey Zamudio and more
This teaser - shot in 2018 - is a visual and sound approach to how the short film will be aesthetically. However, during the rewriting process the characters have evolved physically and psychologically.


Participating project of the INCUBADORA BFM / BOGOSHORTS FILM MARKET of the 17th Bogotá Short Film Festival / Festival de Cortos de Bogotá - BOGOSHORTS (2019)
Participating project in 12 ° EURO CONNECTION / LA PETITE FABRIQUE (Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Market 2020)
Winning project of the FICTION SHORT FILM CREATION SCHOLARSHIP FOR NEW FILMMAKERS of the District Stimulus Program - IDARTES (2020)

28° Lund Fantastic Film Festival
20° Bogotá Short Film Festival BOGOSHORTS (Premios: Mejor Dirección y Mejor Dirección de Arte)
20° London Short Film Festival
5° Iberoamerican Film Festival Miami
13° Meme Pas Peur
43° Porto International Film Festival Fantasporto
37° International Film Festival Fribourg
16° Glasgow Short Film Festival
27° Regard Saguenay International Short Film Festival
6º Octopus Film Festival
21° Macabro (Premio: Mejor Cortometraje Internacional)
6° Festival Internacional de Cine Norte de Santander
18º Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Shorts México
8º Festival de Cine de Jardín
6° Santiago Horror Film Festival
15° Festival de Cine Corto de Popayán (Mención de Honor)
5° Fantasmagoría (Mención de Honor)
23° Screamfest Horror Film Festival
8° Festival de Cine de Quito
5° Bogotá Horror Fest (Premio: Mejor Dirección)
5° Espanto Film Fest
39° Imagine Film Festival
15° Festival de Cine de Cali (Premio: Mejor Cortometraje Nacional)
7º Festival de Cine Independiente de Sogamoso (Premio: Mejor Cortometraje Nacional)
11º Premios Macondo (Premio: Mejor Cortometraje Nacional)
42° Molins Horror Film Festival
17º Festival Internacional de Cine de Villa de Leyva (Mención de Honor)
7º Festival Internacional de Cine de Tunja (Mención de Honor)
3º Festival de Cine de Villavicencio CRISOL (Premio: Mejor Cortometraje Nacional)
6º Festival de Cine AL ESTE (Premio: Mejor Cortometraje Nacional)
24º Festival Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre
5º Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico EL GRITO (Premio: Mejor Actor Harvey Zamudio)
3° Miradas Medellín
15° Cinefantasy (Mención de Honor)
24º Festival de cine de Santa Fe de Antioquia
20º Dam Short Film Festival
8° Panamá Horror Film Fest
17º Festival Sanandresano de Cine y TV Encarrete Isleño
2° Festival Internacional ETREUM Horror Film Fest
10° Festival de cortos Psicoactivos échele cabeza (Premio: Mejor cortometraje nacional)
3° Festival Internacional de cine social y comunitario Salvaje
5° ANIMAL Film Fest
9° Festival de Cine CINE HORROR

Este fanzine -que toma como referencia la Novena de la sangre y el Almanaque Bristol-, expande el universo #GóticoPopular del #CortoPaloquemao.
A propósito de la presencia de los vampiros en el cine desde hace un siglo, la revista Kinetoscopio (una de las revistas de cine más importantes de Colombia), en su edición 131, elaboró un dossier con artículos y reseñas sobre el tema. En el texto "Vampiros tropicales en el cine Drácula con dieta de Vampisol´" escrito por Oswaldo Osorio para este especial, se menciona nuestro #CortoPaloquemao y no podemos estar más felices.
Click aquí para leer el texto en la web de Cinéfagos.net
La primera vez que el #CortoPaloquemao se vio en Colombia fue diciembre de 2022 en el marco del 20° Festival de Cortos de Bogotá - BOGOSHORTS, pues hizo parte tanto del programa Especial Los Colmillos de Orlok (ES-NOS) dedicado al centenario de Nosferatu, como de la Competencia Nacional Ficción (CN-FIC) por lo que se llevó los premios a Mejor Dirección (Jeferson Cardoza) y Mejor Dirección de Arte (Ricardo Tellez). Además, se hizo un Tour Gastronómico y Cinematográfico por la Plaza de Mercado Paloquemao, en donde se recorrieron las locaciones de la película y se degustaron deliciosos platos emblemáticos de este fantástico lugar. Finalmente, se realizó la fiesta Vampisol Vol. 1, en donde los vampiros pudieron bailar hasta el amanecer.

Although we already have the resources granted by the Grant for the creation of fiction short films by new directors of the IDARTES 2020 District Stimulus Program and we have the support of the administration and marketing area of the Paloquemao Market Square, as well as other companies and film production companies such as LABERINTO CINE Y TELEVISIÓN, 2.35 DIGITAL, HD CINEMA, FLUOTEC and SILVERWOLF STUDIOS; We are still lacking money to ensure the POST-PRODUCTION and PROMOTION process of the film so that the story of these vampires can travel to different corners of the world (including Transylvania).
Depending on the amount of blood (💸) that you can donate to us, we offer you four types of rewards with various elements related to the short film and the production company, which you can enjoy from OCTOBER 2021. If your donation is less than $ 95,000 COP, the ideal is to make transfusion 💉 through Bancolombia, Nequi or Daviplata. If the value is greater than $ 95,000, we invite you to make your transfusion through our crowfunding campaign on the VAKI platform.
📅 A private event is planned on Halloween (October 28, 2021) in Bogotá, where in addition to enjoying an exclusive screening of the film and other activities, you will be able to attend and claim the elements of your rewards. Complete information will be communicated via email and our social networks.

Although we already have the resources granted by the Grant for the creation of fiction short films by new directors of the IDARTES 2020 District Stimulus Program and we have the support of the administration and marketing area of the Paloquemao Market Square, as well as other companies and film production companies such as LABERINTO CINE Y TELEVISIÓN, 2.35 DIGITAL, HD CINEMA, FLUOTEC and SILVERWOLF STUDIOS; We are still lacking money to ensure the POST-PRODUCTION and PROMOTION process of the film so that the story of these vampires can travel to different corners of the world (including Transylvania).
Depending on the amount of blood (💸) that you can donate to us, we offer you four types of rewards with various elements related to the short film and the production company, which you can enjoy from OCTOBER 2021. If your donation is less than $ 95,000 COP, the ideal is to make transfusion 💉 through Bancolombia, Nequi or Daviplata. If the value is greater than $ 95,000, we invite you to make your transfusion through our crowfunding campaign on the VAKI platform.
📅 A private event is planned on Halloween (October 28, 2021) in Bogotá, where in addition to enjoying an exclusive screening of the film and other activities, you will be able to attend and claim the elements of your rewards. Complete information will be communicated via email and our social networks.
Although we already have the resources granted by the Grant for the creation of fiction short films by new directors of the IDARTES 2020 District Stimulus Program and we have the support of the administration and marketing area of the Paloquemao Market Square, as well as other companies and film production companies such as LABERINTO CINE Y TELEVISIÓN, 2.35 DIGITAL, HD CINEMA, FLUOTEC and SILVERWOLF STUDIOS; We are still lacking money to ensure the POST-PRODUCTION and PROMOTION process of the film so that the story of these vampires can travel to different corners of the world (including Transylvania).
Depending on the amount of blood (💸) that you can donate to us, we offer you four types of rewards with various elements related to the short film and the production company, which you can enjoy from OCTOBER 2021. If your donation is less than $ 95,000 COP, the ideal is to make transfusion 💉 through Bancolombia, Nequi or Daviplata. If the value is greater than $ 95,000, we invite you to make your transfusion through our crowfunding campaign on the VAKI platform.
📅 A private event is planned on Halloween (October 28, 2021) in Bogotá, where in addition to enjoying an exclusive screening of the film and other activities, you will be able to attend and claim the elements of your rewards. Complete information will be communicated via email and our social networks.